Press feed line

You can trust us just like one of the largest window manufacturers, who values Quality, Reliability, and Professionalism. During the modernisation of the press feed line, we cleverly combined the old with the new.

We installed a new straightener and roller feeder into the line and adapted them to the current production conditions. The previous maximum feed length was 50 mm with a material width of 150 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. After the modernisation, the production capacity is significantly higher! The maximum feed length has increased to 850 mm while maintaining the press’s operating speed at 20 strokes per minute! And all this with an increased sheet width range of up to 300mm and thickness of 3mm! The hydraulic, pneumatic, power, and control systems have been adapted to meet the needs of modernisation.

Everything as agreed!

For more information on press feed lines and press-integrated lines, click here.

We look forward to working with you!

+48 32 411 01 28